True or False
February 5th, 2025
John 4:17b-27
While visiting an unfamiliar culture, it became apparent the religious practices merged into truth fragments. False worship chooses what it wants to believe. This was true of the Samaritans. Since Samaritans were not welcome in the Jerusalem temple, they built a temple on Mount Gerizim. This was established as their holy place to worship.
The Samaritan woman, perhaps out of shame or fear, changed the subject abruptly when asked about her personal life. She turned the discussion to location—Gerizim or Jerusalem. This gave Jesus an open-door opportunity to define true worship. God, as Spirit, is not limited to location, ritual, or sacrifices.
True worship is based on love for God and thankfulness for what He has done. It flows out of an obedient and transformed heart. It is a personal encounter with God that results in introspection of oneself, acceptance of His will, and demonstrates in loving, horizontal relationships.
It is an encounter with God. Have you truly worshiped today?
Author: Lynda T. Boardman