Breathe Deep

January 27th, 2025

John 3:1-8      

The Greek word translated “Spirit” in John 3 is one of my favorite words in all of Scripture. It’s the word pneuma and it literally means “wind.” Nearly every time it appears in the New Testament, the word “Spirit” can also mean “wind.”

Wind can be defined as “moving air.” Air that isn’t moving isn’t wind; it’s just stagnant, stale air. Wind by definition is always moving, always going somewhere, always breathing, always alive.

The Spirit is always moving, always breathing, always alive, always going somewhere.

I am convinced the Spirit is not something we can contain. Through the Holy Spirit, God’s grace is always on the move in us and through us. Being filled with the Spirit means being continually filled. It’s always fresh, always new, always breathing, because in the same way our bodies die without the wind of our breath, we wouldn’t last long without the Breath of the Holy Spirit. Breathe deeply today!

Author: Mark Hendrickson


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