God’s Glory Changes Hearts

January 21st, 2025

John 2:9-13       

God has always been about revealing himself through signs and wonders. The psalmist said, “The heavens declare the glory of God” (19:1). So, Jesus was entirely within His character in John 2 to use this sign at the wedding to begin to reveal His glory. Remarkably, His disciples saw this sign and believed in Him.

Too often, we are confronted with the signs and wonders of God, only to disregard the revealed glory of God. How often have I missed God’s wonders and a chance to believe in Him more fully because I was distracted or gave myself credit for the sign? I closely miss hitting another car, and I get credit for it. My health improves, and the doctor or medicine gets credit. A job opens up, a ministry assignment is a perfect fit, a child is saved.

Again and again, we are confronted with these signs every day, but so often, we cannot experience a change of heart because we refuse to see them as signs of God’s glory.

May our eyes be opened and our hearts changed through the signs around us, just like the disciples.

Author: Lecrecia M. Ali


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