His Powerful Presence
January 17th, 2025
Acts 1:1-11
Hooking a leash on Lilly Belle, our Golden Retriever, I took her out the back door and a few yards away from the house one night. Being some miles from the city made it pitch dark outside, and I looked up to a breathtaking galaxy of twinkling stars. More than that, I sensed the powerful presence of my Creator.
The disciples of Jesus were still trying to figure it all out. Jesus had been arrested, crucified, and resurrected, and had appeared throughout the city. As He was about to ascend into glory, He made one last referral to this coming Holy Spirit He had been promising (John 14—16). Jesus disappeared, and 10 days later, the Spirit did indeed come with fire and power! The followers of Christ were spiritually empowered to make a difference throughout the world.
It’s wonderful to have sins forgiven, but God has a second work of His glorious grace, to sanctify us wholly (1 Thessalonians 5:23) and infill us with the power of His presence (Ephesians 5:18). In Acts 1:8, the word translated “power” is “dunamis,” from which we get the word “dynamite.” God’s Spirit wants to explode in you and me!
Author: Danny Goddard