It’s Life-Changing

January 14th, 2025

Isaiah 60:8-14     

November 5, 1972. I’ll never forget that Sunday night, the night I responded to the pastor’s message, walked a long aisle to the altar, and begged God to forgive me of my sins. That night at the age of 19, I was gloriously born again! Though I grew up in that church, I had been away for four years. God brought me back to church as well as to himself.

That night I was instantly changed! I called a few friends and testified of my experience. I began to pray and read my Bible. I started to go to church Sunday mornings and evenings and even Wednesday nights. I even greeted at the front door and handed out bulletins on Sunday mornings without asking. (I didn’t realize it was an appointed position!) I was just so in love with Jesus and my life had been forever changed!

That’s what was happening to Israel. God had shone the light of His presence on His people, bringing them out of terrible darkness. “Splendor” in verse 9 means “beautify” or “glorify.” That’s what He does with a sinner who turns to Jesus.

Author: Danny Goddard

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