Everlasting Covenant
January 8th, 2025
Jeremiah 32:36-44
“What?” It’s a question I hear all the livelong day as a father of teenage boys. After I hear this question drawn out to the longest possible syllable, my question is: “Are you listening to me?”
We live life within a constant state of distraction via our to-do lists, people in our lives, and technology. The prophet Jeremiah told the people of Israel that a “singleness of heart and action” is a gift that God is willing to give (v. 39). God is the only force that can focus us on one thing in our current world of distraction.
God further promises, “I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me” (v. 40). One promise of a covenant that will never end is enough for us to focus on the beauty of God. God never stops doing what is good, and that single thought should influence our every move.
We can walk in the confidence of God with focus on an unending promise of the goodness of God.
Author: Aimee Mulder