Be My Guide
December 21st, 2024
John 16:7-15
The Holy Spirit strongly laid another pastor on my heart to pray for recently. I asked the Lord why and the Lord answered that his dad has just died. The next day on social media, I saw his post that indeed, his dad had died. While my heart genuinely sympathized in this pastor’s loss, I rejoiced that I had truly discerned the voice of God, and God’s Holy Spirit was leading me in my prayer time. I wrote the pastor, shared this, and told him how much God cared for him.
The Holy Spirit leads and guides us every day. We don’t know what someone else is going through, but God does. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will share that with us to strengthen and remind us. God is still on the throne, God is still leading and guiding, and God is still at work.
Those moments when the Holy Spirit puts someone strongly on our minds is a call to pray. The Holy Spirit is at work within us, doing the will of God through us. We can trust the Holy Spirit to use us in ways we never dreamed.
Author: Kelli Westmark
December 21st, 2024 at 11:39 am
Thank you so much for this devotional thought. A short time after Easter I began a journey of intentionally deepening my prayer life. What I have discovered on this journey continues to help me draw closer to God, make me more in tune with the Holy Spirit, and make time to Hear what He is saying to me. Your testimony has encouraged me to “keep on” this incredible journey!