We Are Close to God’s Heart

December 17th, 2024

Isaiah 40:9-17      

I was teaching a one-year-old in the nursery about gentleness. I picked up a baby doll, wrapped it carefully in a blanket, and rocked it lovingly in my arms. When she reached out her hands, I gave her the doll and said, “Gentle.” Within a few seconds, she threw the doll down. She’s still learning what it means to be “gentle”! Sometimes, we too are still learning that.

God is our great example. God tends to us, God gathers us in His arms, God carries us close to His heart. However, God never throws us down or forgets about us. God is gentle with us continually. God cares about us. God knows when we are grieving and when we are feeling lonely or afraid. God knows when we are overflowing with joy and a thankful heart. God knows us better than anyone ever could; God is the greatest listener.

God carries every thought we have in our hearts and minds, as He carries us ever so close to His heart.

Author: Kelli Westmark

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