Perfect People
December 2nd, 2024
Isaiah 11:1-5
I recently came across someone who said she had a list of people who, in her opinion, had it all together. She admitted that she used this list of so-called “perfect people” as a measuring stick for her own actions.
Fortunately, we as Christ-followers aren’t called to be Christ-duplicates. Sure, it should be the desire of every believer to be Christlike, to mimic His ways. However, we aren’t God. We aren’t the virgin-born, sinless, Son of the One who spoke creation into being. The prophet Isaiah says, “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, . . . the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD” (v. 2). Jesus Christ was perfect, and He had His Father’s approval.
No matter how together someone else might seem, they don’t “have it all together.” It is easy to forget that simple truth when our imperfections seem to take center stage. So, until that day when we attain heavenly perfection, feel free to give yourself some grace.
Author: Andrea Talley