Better Is One Day
November 24th, 2024
Recently, it was discovered that a marble bust a woman purchased at a local thrift store was actually a priceless antique likely brought to the United States by a returning WWII soldier years earlier. Evidently, at some point, the significance of the Roman antique was lost and it was donated to charity.
Imagine an insignificant task or menial chore. Now imagine the most luxurious trip you can—perhaps you find yourself on a lush tropical island with all of the finest amenities. The psalmist declares that even the most humble task and location is beyond the best because of the presence of God.
God’s presence is beyond compare. Too often, we undervalue God’s presence in our lives. Perhaps we’ve forgotten how God has transformed our lives with His grace and love. Maybe we have fallen into the lure of other, temporal comforts. These can never compare to life in the presence of God.
Take a moment today to consider God’s presence in your life.
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson