We Mean To Celebrate

November 19th, 2024

Esther 9:24-32

I am a firm believer in and user of sticky notes. These sticky notes help me be intentional about my duties and activities, not leaving it to chance that I will remember.

The Jews had a lot to celebrate. Their lives had been spared from the evil intentions of Haman. Their enemy was not only stopped but vanquished, never to threaten to harm them again. What a powerful story and wonderful redemption from the grip of destruction!

The Jews did not leave the remembrance of this mighty deed to chance. They got out their reminders and created a new custom for them and their descendants: From this day forward we will observe these two days.

What amazing, miraculous deeds have happened in your life? How has God shown up in your world? Not everything worthy of being celebrated is big and showy, but everything worthy of being celebrated needs to be remembered. Break out your sticky notes and remember God’s grace.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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3 Responses to “We Mean To Celebrate”

  1. Laura High Says:

    November 19th, 2024 at 6:43 am

    My heart was stirred by “Not everything worthy of being celebrated is big and showy, but everything worthy of being celebrated needs to be remembered.”
    The remembering and celebrating reveals the celebrations within the challenges of this day.
    Thank you Stefanie!

  2. Linda Says:

    November 19th, 2024 at 9:53 am

    Is this the right scripture. This was yesterday’s scripture.

  3. mike wonch Says:

    November 19th, 2024 at 11:08 am

    The passage should be Esther 9:24-32.

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