We Need Each Other
October 26th, 2024
Acts 14:19-25
Reuben Welch wrote a book several decades ago about the experiences he had as a teacher and preacher titled We Really Do Need Each Other. In his writing, he points to the division in which we in the Western church live:
Some of us are so westernized and individualized and evangelicalized that we have forgotten how much we really need each other. . . we just get the ideas that it’s my life and God’s life and you have your relationship to God and I have my relationship to God and of course we ought to be nice to each other and love each other, but what really counts is “my relationship to God.*
We are not designed for this kind of life. As Paul and Barnabas knew so long ago, we need each other. Whether you are the pastor, a volunteer, or a child, you are needed in the life of the church. Our life in Christ cannot be separated from our life with our fellow Christians. In what ways can we engage in the body of Christ, not just as passive participants, but as supporters of each other?
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson