A Vision In The Dark

September 30th, 2024

Daniel 7:1-7

In the National World War I Museum and Memorial stand the remnants and stories of the weaponry and destruction brought on humanity as a result of the global upheaval of the first world war (1914—18).

The world then was not unlike the world of young Daniel. Belshazzar was in his first year as the Babylonian king; his father, Nabonidus, had handed over daily reign so he might enter into the Arabian desert to worship the moon god Sin. Meanwhile, nations around Babylon were positioning for power and advantage in the region.

In those days of darkness, Daniel described many beasts arising from the four corners of heaven. Daniel himself had just been delivered from the jaws of lions, so it probably wouldn’t surprise anyone that he would have such dreams.

However, the point today is not to focus on the “beasts of terror” but on the “Ancient of Days” who is on the throne today! He is our God who pierces through the darkness and ensures us today of His presence, power, and peace.

Author: Matt Zimmer

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