Who Shapes You?

September 21st, 2024

James 4:1-10

Before I could complete my degree to become a licensed school counselor, I had to participate in three internships under the guidance of experienced, licensed counselors. One of the lessons I took from my supervising school counselor I’ve carried with me: You are who you hang out with.

While we might like to think that we are above such influences, the reality is that those we spend time with shape who we are. Think back to your childhood. Do you recall how friends would act similarly to those they spent time with? The friend who never played sports joined the soccer team with her friends. The boy who never cared about art spent time drawing every day with his artist friend.

The good thing about this aspect of human nature is that it can be positive as well as negative. When we choose to spend time with God, we become more like Christ. If we spend time with healthy, mature Christians, we are shaped into a healthier, more mature Christian.

With whom are you spending time?

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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