You Before Me
September 20th, 2024
One of the characteristics I’ve never understood is when people obviously do not consider others around them. Standing in line and someone jumps ahead. Sitting at a restaurant and the person behind you crowds your space. These actions just do not compute in my mind because I was raised to always consider those around me. How do my actions affect those around me?
Paul encourages the Christians in Philippi to “consider others above yourself” (2:3). This isn’t because it will make all the Christians of Philippi look good to their neighbors, but because it is a product of “being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (v. 2). Being considerate is possible if we are “like-minded” in love and in spirit.
No, this does not mean we are “cookie-cutter” Christians or that we are all brainwashed so we think exactly the same thoughts. Rather, we are so shaped by Christ and His love that we form a community that is immersed in the love of Christ, that values others over self.
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson