The Virtue of Wisdom

September 7th, 2024

Ephesians 1:15-23

For some reason, even though wisdom is a dominant theme in Scripture, we Christians don’t seem to emphasize it. Maybe it is because no one knows what wisdom is. “Who among you is wise?” asks the apostle James. King Solomon, given the opportunity to ask for anything in the world, asked for wisdom.

Do we put wisdom at the top of our wish list? If so, how will we know when we have it? One test is that it will always be accompanied by its fellow virtue: humility.

Socrates, who gave his life in pursuit of wisdom, finally came to this conclusion: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Perhaps this is because only God is truly wise. As the Bible says, the wisdom of humankind is foolishness to God.

The paradox of asking God for wisdom is you will know that you have it when you understand that you will never possess it. In the end, only God truly has wisdom.

Author: Tyler Blake


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