Fear Not

September 5th, 2024

Luke 21:10-19

As a child, sermons about the last days terrified me. The movie version was even more frightening! One year at camp, we watched “A Thief in the Night.” Chilling! Perhaps you are old enough to remember that haunting song, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready.”

“Am I ready?” I thought with a shudder. The teachings of the end times was disturbing and frightening to my young self. Fear of being left behind clung to many people.

In the middle of this ominous passage in Luke, however, Jesus offers hope. “Make up your mind not to worry” (v. 14), He tells us. Whether it’s the gloom and doom of the last days or just common worries about a thousand different possible catastrophes, “Don’t worry” is the best policy.

As Jesus tells us in Scripture, “Fear not.” Jesus is with us. Jesus will never fail us. Jesus’ love drives out all fear.

Author: Tyler Blake

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2 Responses to “Fear Not”

  1. Jeff Combs Says:

    September 5th, 2024 at 7:02 am

    The old movie “ A thief in the night” taught a pre-tribulation rapture. Just like the “Left Behind” series. This is based on pre-millennial dispensationalism from Darby-Scofield eschatology. This is not wesleyan holiness methodism and is wrong. The WORD of God is very clear on such false teaching my brother.

  2. mike wonch Says:

    September 5th, 2024 at 7:36 am

    The author is not advocating for a particular end times theology based on a particular movie or song, only sharing his experience growing up regarding fear.

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