Sufficient Grace

September 1st, 2024

2 Thessalonians 2:11-17

Second Thessalonians 11-12 describe what happens when people give themselves to the ways of this world that oppose God’s deep love for God’s creation and its flourishing. These are people who become “lawless” (vv. 7-10.

Living in a world where some oppose God can feel threatening. As you look around you, do you sometimes feel anger, fear, discouragement, sadness? Are you sometimes tempted to react with those same loveless tactics? God understands and wants to encourage you with God’s grace and a “good hope” (v. 16). We need to continually welcome the faith, hope, and love that God offers in order to “stand firm” (v. 15) in the good gifts we’ve received in Jesus.

The good gifts of God’s grace that you’ve received include adoption: God chose you, loves you, saves and sanctifies you, and calls you to share in the good news that is our gospel (vv. 13-14). So, don’t give in to the loveless ways of the world. Continue to witness to God’s love through “every good deed and word” (v. 17).

Author: Doug Hardy

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