God Examines Hearts

August 30th, 2024

Jeremiah 17:7-14

Trusting in the Lord is foundational to a growing faith. Using language very similar to Psalm 1, the prophet Jeremiah paints a picture of the blessed way of life that flows from trust: “like a tree” that can “bear fruit” (v. 8). Sounds good, doesn’t it?

And yet Jeremiah also warns those who trust in the Lord: “The heart is deceitful above all things” (v. 9). We may think we are trusting and growing in faith, but actually, our attitudes, thoughts, or behaviors may exhibit a lack of trust or an immature faith. When this is the case, our lives may not bear fruit as God intends. If our desire is to deepen trust in God, yet our hearts are deceitful, what are we to do?

If we are willing to be open and honest with God about our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions, we can have “hope” (v. 13) that God will “heal” us and “save” us (v. 14). This is our true reward.

Author: Doug Hardy

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