Listening Ears

August 22nd, 2024

Revelation 2:1-7

One particularly trying year, I recall asking my director if she would mind drafting a note to the parents of the children in my class, asking them to send their child’s listening ears in their backpacks if the child refused to put them on in the morning.

I think it’s safe to say that most teachers (and perhaps parents as well) have wondered if a particular child’s ears are merely decorative. This usually comes after a request is repeatedly ignored by said child, thus causing the adult to rationalize the reason for the child’s refusal to comply. Their listening ears must be broken, otherwise they would be happy to obey.

I would imagine God wonders the same thing about our listening ears. Perhaps He wonders if our internal “ears” that adorn our hearts are malfunctioning, due to the fact that we don’t always do as He asks. Scripture beckons those who have ears to hear because something that was said or about to be said is really important.

How would your life be different if the listening ears of your heart were finely tuned to God’s voice?

Author: Andrea Talley


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