Not Forgotten

August 21st, 2024

Revelation 22:15-21

It isn’t always easy to drop a child off in a classroom, even if they love their teachers and their classmates. After the third “last hug” and the second reassurance that their grown-up will return for them, sometimes it’s necessary to gently take the child from the parent or grandparent and to just hold them until they no longer wish to fly out of the classroom. In the end, the child calms and begins to enjoy themselves. Deep down, they have the assurance that they will not be forgotten. They know that a loving adult always returns to take them home.

Likewise, we have been dropped off in a classroom. It isn’t always easy. We might wish we could zoom off like a child chasing its mother down the hall. Other times, we just need to be held. Words are insufficient, tears flow. It’s in those moments that we’re reminded that God hasn’t forgotten us.

God hasn’t forgotten any of His children—including you. You can rest in the deep assurance that you are loved by the King.

Author: Andrea Talley


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