Trusted Truths

August 19th, 2024

Revelation 22:1-7

I have a friend who, every time she sits down to tell a Bible story to children, holds up a Bible. Chances are, she’ll read the story from a kid-friendly script, or tell it herself in her own words. However, she wants the children hearing the story to know that the story she’s telling isn’t made up. The narrative came from the Bible, God’s Holy Word. She wants them to understand that if it is in the Bible, the story is true.

Every syllable, every word, every line of Scripture is divinely inspired by our holy God. Internalizing its message is how we get to know who God truly is. It’s one of the ways by which we build a relationship with the Father.

Sometimes, as Christ followers, especially if we grew up believing in God, it’s easy to gloss over the basics. We often don’t think about the fact that God’s Word is truth and that the words of the Father can indeed be trusted.

The next time you open your Bible, remind yourself that the words you’re about to read are true and divinely inspired.

Author: Andrea Talley


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