The Lord Will Vindicate

August 15th, 2024

Deuteronomy 32:36-43

The Scriptures reveal the endless depths of God’s desire and patient pursuit of us. Sometimes we are so caught up in trouble and sin that we cannot return to the Lord without the bottom dropping out from under us. At times, God in wisdom gives us over to our false supports and misguided relationships. We suffer misery as a result of our faithful trust in empty gods. We are emptied by our pursuit of shiny pleasures. Even then, our Savior attends to us.

The Lord waits patiently for the time when we are ready to be released from whatever principalities and powers have their hold on us. Sometimes we are caught up until we reach the very depths of despair. Nevertheless, the Father watches and waits for our time to come home, to be restored to our relationships as we were created to be, and to rest under God’s watchful eye.

The sin that so easily entangles us is no match for the righteous salvation and devoted love of our Great Redeemer.

Author: Lori Ward

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