God’s Enemies Permanently Defeated

August 14th, 2024

Revelation 19:17-21

I have had a lifelong fear of birds. For me, the trouble is more with their wings fluttering and flapping than it is with their beaks. Perhaps you could insert the creature of your nightmares into John’s image. Let’s face it, this scene in Revelation is just plain gory! It’s terrifying!

Those of us living contentedly in warm (or cooled!) homes, sleeping in comfortable beds, and making choices about which kind of food we prefer to eat to fill our bellies don’t know what to do with a Christian image this raw and shadowy. However, there are plenty of our sisters and brothers around the world who live day-to-day in the ravages of war, under the oppression of tyrants, or face-to-face with the horrors of sin’s personification.

It is for these enduring ones that we proclaim the hope of Christ: God’s enemies will be dealt a final blow! God’s justice will make everything right again! Let us carry these beloved ones in our hearts today.

Author: Lori Ward

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