Christ The Ultimate Victor

August 13th, 2024

Revelation 19:9-16

We don’t often talk about the fear of God because it doesn’t seem to communicate well in our culture. Yet, it is the fear of God which is immediately aroused in me when I imagine John’s vision. What can we do with a vast army on horseback ready to break through the sky and descend on the nations? What else but fear can be evoked by a sharp sword, an iron scepter, and the fury of the wrath of God? Surely it is meant to cause trembling!

Let us not miss the victory in John’s vision! For those who have been under the steel grip of the enemy, a savior on a white horse has arrived. He comes as a righteous warrior to protect those in trouble, and His very name is “Faithful and True.” He will reign with victory as the King over all the kings of the earth and Lord above all other lords.

When we recognize this fierce leader of heaven’s army as Jesus, we trust that fear is only necessary for those who would oppose Him. We who are in Christ exchange fear for joy as we celebrate His triumph.

Author: Lori Ward


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