The Bigger Picture

August 10th, 2024

Matthew 24:22-29

When reading Matthew 24:22-29, it would be easy to get caught up in the metaphor. Is this a literal warning, for a literal time? Yet when we get caught up in all of these questions, we may miss a bigger, more important picture.

We are called once again to be discerning people–a people who aren’t turned away from Christ by smooth talkers or charismatic leaders, but a people who are firmly rooted in who Christ is and who Christ is calling us to be. These are words that echo Daniel, and we again remember how he refused to bow down to the powerful leaders of his time. Rather, he held fast to God, in trust and in hope. He was able to discern the powers at play because he spent so much time in the presence of God.

We are called to do the same. When we follow the Lamb closely, trust God to be faithful, and are in turn faithful to God, we are able to discern and guard ourselves against things that look or sound good, but will ultimately lead to destruction.

Author: Robbie Cansler


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