Remaining Faithful

August 9th, 2024

Matthew 24:9-21

Jesus references the book of Daniel in the verses for today. This was a time when the people of God were in exile in Babylonia. The Babylonians were particularly ruthless foes, who not only kidnapped many of the Jewish people, but also desecrated the temple, scorched the land so crops wouldn’t grow, slaughtered people among other horrors. Being exiled from home among such a vicious enemy was likely distressing.

It is these horrific images that Jesus seems to be bringing to mind. However, it would be foolish to think only of the horrors of those days. When the listeners heard the connection to Daniel, they also would have been reminded of Daniel himself and his faithfulness to God in the midst of incredible hardship and, ultimately, the faithfulness of God to Daniel.

This reference is a reminder to Jesus’ listeners: Regardless of the hardships that will come, they—and we—should remain faithful to God, because God will remain faithful to them—and us.

Author: Robbie Cansler


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