Follow The Lamb

August 7th, 2024

Revelation 14:1-5

A beautiful image unfolds in Revelation 14. We see the Lamb of God and the 144,000 (a number that likely represents an uncountable amount) who are sealed by the Lamb. It is a stark contrast to the image of beasts from the previous chapter, because instead of deception and deceit, we get an image of grace and love. While a very different image, it echoes the same sentiment of the previous chapter: Don’t be deceived by others; rather, follow the Lamb.

The seal talked about here is like the seal that royalty would have used on a decree to show that it was their official decree, or one that marked something as the property of the royals. So what we are seeing here in this image is that the sealed ones are those who belong to God.

It is our challenge and desire to be sealed as those who belong to God as well, and the key is to follow the Lamb closely wherever the Lamb goes. This week, ask God to guide and encourage you to follow the Lamb closely.

Author: Robbie Cansler

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