Who Gives The Authority?

August 5th, 2024

Revelation 13:1-10

Revelation 13 reads like something straight out of a fantasy novel. It would be easy for us to get caught up in the fantastical imagery of it all, and many have, but Revelation is apocalyptic literature. At the very heart of this type of storytelling is a revealing of truth.

While Revelation was written to the early church to bring hope in challenging times, we can grasp truth for our lives, too. At the heart of Revelation 13, we see that the dragon gives the beast authority, and with that authority, the beast utters proud words, wages wars, and slanders God.

Our world has a lot of beasts, people, and systems who are given power and authority by dragons: wealth, prestige, family name, political affiliation. This authority enables them to wage wars, to wreak havoc, to slander, and to destroy. As followers of Christ, we must always ask where their authority comes from so we don’t fall prey to the beasts.

Author: Robbie Cansler

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