Most Precious

July 30th, 2024

Revelation 12:7-12

Have you ever asked yourself, “What would I save if my house caught fire?” Perhaps you have had the unfortunate experience of actually having to make that choice. As a child, I would sometimes lay awake at night and think about the items in my room that I would want saved. My list consisted of the things I considered precious.

As John records his vision in Revelation, he notes that the dragon (also known as Satan) began a war he couldn’t finish. Michael and the angel army of heaven defeated Satan and his angels.

The victory didn’t stop there; the accuser of our brothers and sisters was “triumphed over” by the “blood of the Lamb and by the word of their [brothers and sisters] testimony” (v. 11). What an amazing feat! Christ’s blood and the testimony of the faith triumphed over the accuser.

How is this possible?! The faithful “did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” (v. 11). Many of our brothers and sisters know this in a way we in the West do not. We would do well to reflect on what it is in our lives that we consider more precious than Christ.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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