Kingdom Come

July 29th, 2024

Revelation 11:15-18

Stefanie recently applied for an opening in a local school district to be their kindergarten-through-second-grade school counselor. The interview went well. She was told that her name would go before the school board. Other employees of the district approached me and offered congratulations. She was fairly confident that the board approved her hire and people were congratulating her. However, she hadn’t heard an “official” word on the decision. She was living in limbo.

We Christians also live in a sort of limbo. We live in the “already, and not yet” of the kingdom of God. You see, Christ’s resurrection ushered in the kingdom (think back to how often Christ spoke about the kingdom). However, the kingdom isn’t in its fullness on earth right now. We are waiting for Christ’s return when He we bring about the completion of the kingdom here and now.

We know that while God’s kingdom isn’t fully known here on earth, yet, it will be. Even more than my joy on hearing my acceptance as the new counselor, we will rejoice at the kingdom of heaven on earth!

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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