
July 26th, 2024

Romans 3:9-18

It has been said that comparison is the “killer of joy.” We may look at another person and think, “I’m smarter, better looking, and wealthier than him.” When we place our lives in comparison to another, we can forget about our own faults in light of the faults of another.

We are called to take a clear, steady review of ourselves. People who do this are fairly easy to spot in the midst of life’s bumps: They are the ones who are self-aware. They understand who they are, whose they are, and how that guides their actions.

Paul shares with the church in Rome that “There is no one righteous, not even one” (v. 10). While some were tempted to look around and think about how horrible everyone else is (unlike them), Paul reminds us that no one is righteous on his or her own. Only through the grace found in the resurrection of Christ can anyone become righteous. It is not our doing; it is Christ through us.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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