For All To Know

July 23rd, 2024

Revelation 5:8-14

Have you ever tried to hide candy from your children? Some parents have been known to hide sweet treats in a bag from frozen veggies, taking the chance that their offspring won’t go looking amongst the frozen peas for something to eat.

When you read through Revelation 5, you can’t help but note how big the assembly is around this event: It’s huge! John keeps listing those accounted for around Christ: four living creatures, 24 elders, angels numbering 10,000 times 10,000, and the voices of every creature on earth were heard. Even the prayers of God’s people were represented in the bowls of incense. Christ’s possession and opening of the scroll could not be hidden! So many witnesses and participants would have to be acknowledged, heard.

The presence of God is not for a select few. No one holds secret knowledge to which only a few have access. Christ’s redeeming act is for all people; indeed, it is for all creation! Join with all the saints before us and with us and praise God for His infinite mercies!

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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