The Tears We Shed

July 22nd, 2024

Revelation 5:1-7

When my oldest was in preschool, he loved a film featuring a pig won at a county fair by a farmer who, despite his wife’s plans for Christmas dinner, trained the pig to herd sheep. The husband routinely entered his herding animals into a contest of agility, intelligence, and speed.

As the wife sat in front of her television, seeing her husband’s pig attempting to round up sheep before a great, laughing crowd, she winced. It was impossible. It was embarrassing. It was the source of her tears.

Then, something changed: The pig did his job—and he did it well! The wife’s reaction changed from humiliation to great sobs. My son would ask, “Why is she crying?” We often equate crying with sadness.

Christ, despite what we perceive to be an impossible situation, offers redemption to the world. We can know that the ultimate champion of the world is able, cares for us, and calls us to himself.

That might just cause you to shed tears of joy.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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