Tangible Worship

July 17th, 2024

Psalm 63:1-11

Psalm 63 is attributed to David, a man after God’s own heart, yet very much human. He was just like you and me—imperfect. Yet, he was able to pen the second verse and mean it with all his heart. He had enjoyed concrete moments of worship when he beheld God’s power and glory in a very tangible way.

David wasn’t the only one who had “God moments.” Surely Noah had a tangible moment with God when he found out he was to build a floating zoo. Abraham and Isaac surely felt God in a tangible way after that God provided an alternate sacrifice. Moses had quite the powerful moment at the burning bush. Elijah physically felt God’s goodness in that cave. Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary all had moments of divine bliss when they found out the impossible would become possible.

Each of these ordinary humans could insert their name into Psalm 63:2 and proclaim its truth in a personal way. Our God still shows up today.

Author: Andrea Talley


One Response to “Tangible Worship”

  1. Charlotte Says:

    July 17th, 2024 at 10:03 am

    And I can insert my name in Psalm 63, verse 2, also.

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