Familiar Moments

July 16th, 2024

Genesis 28:16-22

There’s a young lady across the table from me. She’s sipping a fancy, grown up (caffeinated) drink full of sliced strawberries, and untangling riddles via an app on her phone. She looks like me and acts like her daddy. I’m overwhelmed by her beauty and intelligence, her compassion and her zeal. In this familiar moment, my heart is full. She is mine and I am hers.

Once a week, you probably enter a church and sit in a familiar seat. You see familiar people whom you likely love and adore. You may have familiar responsibilities. The order of service is familiar—a certain number of songs, a strategically placed prayer, and an inspired word from God, via your pastor’s humble heart.

Is your heart full? Did you leave with the overwhelming sense that God is yours and you are His? Were you aware of the Father’s presence? Did your heart worship? In that familiar moment, were you overwhelmed by God’s goodness and grace?

Challenge yourself to look past the familiarity of worship. Look for evidence of God’s goodness. Ask yourself, “Is my heart full?”

Author: Andrea Talley


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