Never Too Late

July 11th, 2024

Jonah 2:1-10

Near the end of the Old Testament is the book of Jonah. In addition to be a prophetic book, it is also a historical account of God’s mercy.

When reading Jonah, it might be difficult to relate to his disobedience. Since the book starts abruptly with Jonah running from God’s command, it is easy to assume Jonah was not in relationship with God. After all, we like to believe that if we have a relationship with God, then we will be obedient to Him, and this would never happen to us.

Early in 2 Kings 14:25, we learn that Jonah was a servant of God and that God spoke through him. Perhaps now that we understand that Jonah was in relationship with God, yet he still ran from God’s command, the story is more relatable.

Maybe we have not jumped in a boat to flee, but how many times have we run from God in our own way? Praise God for hearing us when we cry out! No matter how many times, it is never too late to cry out for His mercy!

Author: Kelly Brown

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