Rejoice In His Mercy

July 9th, 2024

Psalm 30:7-12

In the first half of Psalm 30, we see how David motivated the crowd by reminding them of three specific times God delivered him and then immediately encouraged everyone to praise the Lord.

In the second half of the psalm, David showed remorse and blamed himself for his former ways. He continued in song as he reflected on his past complaints and prayers in his times of distress. The reflection of David results in thankfulness for his present condition, which is a result of God’s mercy.

David was not perfect; like us, he made many mistakes, and he acknowledged his faults. Through these verses, we see David’s attitude toward God, such as humbleness, respect, trust, and repentance. David’s attitude, along with his reflection, helped him to rejoice in God’s mercy.

Lord, give us a sensitive heart that remembers the times when You have delivered us. Let us be in a continual state of rejoicing in Your mercy!

Author: Kelly Brown

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