Trust God: Don’t Worry

June 15th, 2024

Matthew 6:25-34

When Jesus urged His followers not to worry about the things of tomorrow, He surely also was including the things of today. His admonition echoes an ancient proverb that says worry—anxiety about the cares and troubles of life—will cause a heaviness of heart almost beyond bearing (Proverbs 12:25).

When in this condition, we can’t enjoy the good things and good times of life. So concerned are we for ourselves, we are unable to serve others needing our help. We even find it difficult to give praise and thanks to our heavenly Father for the blessings of today.

That ancient proverb of 12:25 also observes that a kind word spoken to others whose hearts are heavy with the worries of life cheers and lifts their hearts.

My kind word spoken to others whose hearts are heavy with worry may enable them to enjoy anew God’s blessings of today, and let tomorrow’s worries take care of themselves. Let us continually be ready to give others an uplifting word so that their hearts of worry may be turned to hearts of gladness.

Author: Barry Ross

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