Seek God’s Presence

June 13th, 2024

Psalm 27:1-6

In Psalm 27, David highlights God’s presence and protection. He speaks of God’s “house,” “temple,” “dwelling,” and “sacred tent,” all symbolizing God’s “stronghold” in which he finds that continual protection (vv. 1, 4, 5). He also speaks of “the wicked,” “enemies,” “foes,” even “an army” (vv. 2, 3).

With this turmoil and danger all around, David should be descending into spiritual and emotional darkness, needing sessions with his counselors. He doesn’t need them, however, “The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?” (v. 1) The LORD lights up all of David’s journey! God’s salvation envelops all of David’s life.

David recalls “the beauty [presence] of the LORD” (v. 4), which so inspired him when he last visited God’s sanctuary. This brings on joyous shouting, singing, and music-making, as though he were at the “sacred tent” itself (v. 6).

May you and I know that God’s beautiful presence that so blesses us in Sunday worship does not remain only in the sanctuary. It continues to envelop us throughout every day’s journey.

Author: Barry Ross


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