
October 8th, 2023

Psalm 19:7-14

“God does not come in extraordinary events, but works amid the apparent monotony of our daily life, in the frequently dull rhythm of our activities, in the little things that, working with tenacity and humility, we achieve in our efforts to do his will.” Pope Francis

“We must be formed into the kinds of people for whom doing right is the natural thing to do.” Rev. Todd Hunter

It’s the day-to-day repetitive actions, thoughts, attitudes, and self-talk that form and shape us. Great canyons aren’t formed overnight. Streams take millions of years to carve through rock and earth to create magnificent vistas because of their formational flows.

The avenues of intentional Christian formation work in us to shape us. Over time God grows the fruit of the Spirit in us through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit and grace to form us as people whose words and the meditations of our hearts are pleasing to God.

Author: Michael Scarlett


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