Joy Will Come

April 5th, 2023

John 16:16-22

To the disciples this was incomprehensible. This One whom they had followed for three years in “a little while” would be taken from them. He was “going to the Father.” They would see Him no more. Jesus had become their life. They followed Him. They absorbed His words. They wondered at His power to heal the sick and raise the dead. They saw the ancient scriptures fulfilled in His ministry. This talk of seeing Him no more was like standing on the brink of some dark precipice. What grief awaited them? What weeping and mourning lay ahead?

“But your grief will be turned into joy.” Like the light of Easter morning filling a once darkened tomb—grief and sorrow would vanish. They had all probably heard the cries of a woman in labor. They would also know that when the child was born cries of anguish would become cries of joy.

We are terrified by darkness and separation. Remember His words on that dark day, “Your grief will be turned into joy!”

Author: Duane Brush

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