Trusting and Seeing

November 16th, 2022

Judges 13:15-25

The angel of the Lord appeared to Manoah and his wife a second time; yet, Manoah still does not understand what is going on. Manoah offers hospitality to the messenger as he would to any other human guest and asks his guest to reveal his name so that he can honor him when his words come true.

The angel says that Manoah does not understand what he is asking and tells Manoah that the more appropriate thing would be to bring a burnt and grain offering to the Lord. Still not getting it, Manoah nevertheless obeys and makes a sacrifice to the Lord. It is only after this simple act of obedience that Manoah is able to see and recognize the hand of God at work in the life of their family. Samson was born and God began to stir him within.

Oftentimes we are just as slow as Manoah to understand what God is trying to do in our lives. Only after obediently following His patient leading, as we look back, we humbly exclaim: “That’s what He has been doing all along!”

Author: Tatiana Cantarella

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