God’s Got You
March 1st, 2022
For those of us who have experienced sleepless nights, we know what tension and worry can do to our bodies. The assault of our imaginations can bring about sleeplessness, stress, and fatigue. In Psalm 63, David is under attack and his enemy is seeking to destroy him. David is a mighty warrior, and yet he lies awake thinking, praying, and contemplating his own life and future.
However, do not miss the hope that is nested in Psalm 63. Just like David, we are to remember that God is faithful. God stands with us in the watches of the night. We are not alone. Remember this when we lie down on our beds and ponder our past experiences, present realities, and future possibilities. Verse 7 teaches us “you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” The metaphor is a priceless reminder that God protects us as an eagle protects its young. The Lord will bring peace and calm when we are under attack, worried, or in despair. Remember, God’s got you in the watches of the night.
Author: Mike Stipp
March 2nd, 2022 at 11:09 am
Hope this gets to Mike.
Hope you are doing well. I have been enjoying your devotions this week. I don’t know if Rich told you, but I have been attending Jerry’s church in Fort Wayne. Its a beautiful facility filled with many souls reaping the benefits of his hard work.
3197590719 (cell)
Please don’t feel obligated to return this, and I know I could ask Rich, but how is your health?
God Bless,
March 3rd, 2022 at 2:40 am
Glória a Deus! Ministração poderosa. Aleluias ????