Enduring Provision

February 1st, 2022

RG AUDIO 020122


Matthew 19:23-30

We must imagine that the first listeners were mostly poor and on the margins of society. They saw wealth (as we often do) as a blessing from God. So the disciples were taken aback with Jesus’ proclamation. The rich seem to have earned God’s favor; so if it is hard for them to enter the kingdom of God, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Ironically, many have quoted Jesus’ exciting declaration that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) to incite hope that God would answer any of our prayers—even for riches or success. Following Christ leads disciples to leave behind other means of security in exchange for a more enduring hope:  Jesus promises salvation in the kingdom of God. While this is certainly hope for the end of the age, in Christ, the kingdom of God has already begun here and now among us. Salvation in the kingdom of God provides Jesus-followers freedom from sin and care-full provisions beginning here and now.

Author: Lori Ward

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