The Cleansing Blood

November 6th, 2021

RG AUDIO 110621


Hebrews 9:11-22

We don’t normally think of blood as a cleaning agent. Much the opposite, we know that blood stains are very tenacious when it comes to removing them from clothes and other porous surfaces.

So, the image the writer of Hebrews paints for us is not immediately understandable.

What clearly transpires from it, though, is the idea that Christ has accomplished for us an eternal redemption that no one else, and nothing else, could accomplish. Somehow, Golgotha became a spiritual temple where the ultimate sacrifice took place. Christ “through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God.” (v. 14) His blood became the effective cleaning agent that cleanses our hearts, eliminates the residue of all that leads to death, and allows us to serve the living God.

The cleansing of Christ’s blood is not just temporary or superficial. It reaches out to our innermost being to create in us a new heart.

Take a minute today to thank Jesus for His sacrifice, His forgiveness, and the gift of a cleansed heart.

Author: Davide Cantarella


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