Fair Judge
March 16th, 2021
Romans 2:9-16
It has been said that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. As we walk through the season of Lent, we should all take a penitential posture. Apart from God’s grace through the atoning sacrificial love of Christ, we would all be lost forever.
When scripture reminds us, God does not show favoritism, the context is positive. It means that His grace is available to anyone who would receive it—Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, male or female, strong or weak, beautiful or not so much, gifted or not so much, healthy or sick or disabled. In other words, we are all God’s favorites.
Christians should receive everyone in the same way that Christ has received us. We should also take from Him some healthy self-esteem because everyone is equally important to our Heavenly Father. He will hear and answer the prayers of everyone.
Finally, the context tells us to persist in doing good. We are not shown favoritism based on our good deeds. But it is a way to express our gratitude to a God who is our fair judge and is the savior for every humble sinner.
We, too, are the light for the world.
Author: Clark Armstrong