Our Calling
March 1st, 2021
Romans 1:1-15
One day an administrator at a college in the Oklahoma City area received a call from his denominational leaders asking him to go and to start a new Christian college where one was needed in the prairies of Kansas. It was a specific call to one man, but it also came as a general call to that college and to all the districts, churches, families, and students in the area which it would serve.
As Christians, each of us receives a general call of grace to receive God’s gift of salvation through Jesus His Son. Like Paul and the early apostles, we are also called to spread this good news to everyone, everywhere. We each have a specific call as well. We must walk by faith in obedience living out the calling God has individually for us.
My wife’s family lived in the area served by the new college. A part of their calling was to become pioneer supporters and students. At that new college, she found her calling as a pastor’s spouse and a missionary.
Praise God for our general calling and for our unique individual callings. Let us be faithful to our calling.
Author: Clark Armstrong