
July 3rd, 2020

RG AUDIO 070320


Nehemiah 6:1-9

I have three children in three different stages of life: a preteen, an elementary-aged child, and a preschooler. One thing that changes, and yet never necessarily disappears, is fear. What the preschooler fears, is different from her older brothers.

Recently our preschooler has begun to show more awareness of the world around her, including the fact that it can be a scary place at times. And while she is afraid of the dark closet, her older brothers (despite the bravado they display in the day) are sometimes afraid of those things that go “bump” in the night (aren’t we all?). The helpful solution isn’t avoiding all closets and dark hallways—because we can’t avoid every scary situation in life. Help is found in community. When you are with someone else, that which scared you isn’t as scary.

Nehemiah is being intimidated and could have easily allowed his emotions and thoughts turn to fear. However, he held his ground and prayed that God would strengthen him, be with him.

What do you fear; have you asked God to go with you?

Author: Stephanie Hendrickson

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One Response to “Intimidated?”

  1. Marcio José do Espírito Santo Says:

    July 3rd, 2020 at 6:23 am

    Realmente vou pedir a Ele!

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