Jesus’ Name
September 12th, 2019
Acts 3:11-26
Whether it is a family name or a company name, names are important. When you hear a name you immediately think of the reputation. We like associating with names that are in good standing. In fact, there is a term for using a name to try to impress someone, name dropping.
Peter didn’t have the power to heal and that’s why in Acts 3, he called on the name of Jesus to heal the crippled man. Peter’s faith in God allowed God’s power to work through him. Peter then turned this miraculous healing into an opportunity. After the healing, as the crowd gathered in amazement, Peter immediately rejected any honor for himself and gave God all the praise in an impromptu sermon where he explained it was faith in the name of Jesus that healed the man. Peter was an unapologetic Christian. He wasn’t afraid to confront non-Christians and condemn their actions, but he gave them hope when he told them to “repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out” (Acts 3:19a).
Author: Kelly S. Brown